Before you start studying in Germany, you must make sure that you have health insurance. Without proof of your health insurance, you will not be able to enroll at university or apply for a residence permit. It is therefore important that you arrange the necessary health insurance before you arrive in Germany.
Health insurance that is also valid in Germany
Statutory health insurance from the following countries is also valid in Germany:​
Liechtenstein, Turkey, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, Morocco, Tunisia, Macedonia, Norway, Switzerland, Montenegro and Member states of the European Union
Germany has concluded social security agreements with these countries. With your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), all medical treatment you require in Germany is covered.
If your insurance is recognized
If your health insurance from your home country (whether public or private) is accepted in Germany, you will need confirmation that you are exempt from compulsory health insurance when you enroll. After you arrive in Germany and before you enroll at your German university, you should contact a German health insurance provider in your area to obtain a certificate of your insurance coverage. It is advisable to ask the International Office which provider you should contact for this. Note that once you receive this confirmation, you will no longer be able to join the German statutory health insurance scheme for the entire duration of your studies.

If your insurance is not recognized
If your health insurance from your home country is not recognized in Germany, you must take out insurance in Germany. The cost of statutory health insurance is around 110 euros per month as long as you are under 30 years old or have not yet completed the 14th semester. After that, the monthly contribution increases to at least 190 euros.

If you don't know where to start, I and my team are here to help you. As an experienced coach, mentor and CEO, I will support you every step of the way to studying in Germany.
Contact me now for a no-obligation initial consultation. Together we will lay the foundation for your success and ensure that you are well prepared.